A place where everybody is somebody. Every member is a minister of Gods love.
A hearty and warm welcome from us here at CAGC. We are glad you could join us. As you will see, we are passionate about changing people’s lives for the best to the glory of our God. Central to our message is Gods ability to turn any life around regardless how discouraged or hopeless you could be. We echo the words of our Lord ” ..but I have come that you may have life, life to the fullest”
Central to the Ministry is the message of love. “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples”
Tomorrow’s church. During the main service hours 9:00-11:00, we at Makhonza Centre run Young Church. These little ones are bright and sharp and keep the teachers on their feet. The word is relevant and adaptive for the young ones.
Leading by example. Young people can not be easily fooled. Modern day living requires robust and sound teaching to guide in these fast paced days. Where there is uncertainty God’s word is still infallible and sure.
This is no easy task. So much anger and frustration going around its easy to get lost in the tick of things as all sorts of labels describing men fly around. What does the word of God say?
CAGC is a community based church. We care for the poor and destitute. For this reason the Good Samaritan Fund was started to help households in need of the most basic of needs.
The Basic Bible Class, is a must for each member. We explain all you need to know, from our Vision, the New Life right up to the Gifts of the Spirit.
Thank you for your support. By giving you have effectively partnered with us to make and impact in peoples lives. Your offerings and gifts can never be in vain. All love gifts and offerings can be made to the bank accounts provided below.
After service you can head to our prayer room for Office. For more ways to get connectedand become a memeber.
Whether this is your first time to CAGC or you’ve been coming for years, we are eager to welcome you home!
A place where everybody is somebody. Every member is a minister of Gods love.
Christ Ambassadors Gospel Church © 2024 | All Rights Reserved